Guest Posting Guidelines for
I appreciate your interest in writing for Tracks2Travel. I am always on the lookout for new guest bloggers who love to share their knowledge and travel experiences with my readers. However, I am very selective in my choice of writers.
Please take a look at the following guest posting guidelines and then use this submission form to pitch your topic/s to me. If I am impressed with the article pitch, you will be informed within 7-10 working days.
- When we talk of travel, it’s always best to have a visual representation. So, please make sure to add some kind of visual imagery – images, videos, gifs, collages, infographics, etc.
- There’s no limit on the word count. The longer the article, the better. Ideal length – 1500-2000 words
- Make the article SEO optimized. Choose a focus keyword and see to it that it’s repeated quite a few times in the article. Make sure to include the focus keyword in the title as well
- I lay special emphasis on English and vocabulary. Make sure there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes
- The article should be unique and 100% Copyscape passed. Articles that don’t fall in this criteria will be immediately rejected without any intimation from my end
- I allow external linking – so please go ahead and link to your blog articles, my blog articles, external articles, Wikipedia, Conde Nast Traveller, Outlook Traveller, etc.
- Follow the KISS principle – Keep things sweet and simple for my readers. Focus on the quality and not quantity
- Include an author bio at the end of the article. You’re also free to add a link to your website/blog/social profiles
- Avoid adding commercial links. Links to gambling/casino/porn/adult sites are strictly not accepted and will lead to rejection of the article straight away. I am ok with links to content that go in a natural flow with the article
- Give credit where due – Provide relevant credit wherever required, be it images, quotes, etc. Respect others’ work
- Once you submit the article, you give me the copyright ownership of the same. In case, I find that the post has been copied from somewhere else, you will be immediately banned and all your posts till date will be deleted
- Once your article is published, you are expected to respond to any comments that may be made on the article.
Also, please keep in mind that I don’t accept Press Releases or Sales Pitches of any kind.
How to Apply?
Use this submission form to submit a pitch as well as a brief outline of the article that you intend to write on. If it passes the above guidelines, I will get in touch with you within 7-10 working days.